Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

modern guestbooks

Sorry for the absent-tee ism the past few days, but I do have a great excuse!

I went to the craft store this weekend and bought some supplies so I could make one of these. Plus, I want to start making a few other things too, so I took the first step this weekend. You have to start somewhere, right? Point being that I was utterly consumed in craft punches, paper, crafty tools, and the works. It's so easy to lose track of time when you are getting crafty!

While scouring the Internet, I began thinking about the wide variety of guestbooks that I have seen lately. They are not the traditional book-like guestbooks, but... well... something like these that I found on Martha Stewart crafts.

I especially love the individual scalloped cards and the red + aqua combo. ♥

Friday, October 01, 2010

modern invitations by shine wedding invitations

Today has been a day for browsing on Etsy, and indeed, I found something awesome.

Autumn, the owner of Shine Wedding Invitations, is an engineer turned designer/photographer/web designer/programmer {wooowiee} who has put her good talent to use.

Here's just a little peek of what she has in store for you in her Etsy shop.

Photograph located in Autum's Shine Invitations Etsy shop.

More goodness to come on Monday ♥